New Section! Building Docker Images & ECS Rolling Deployments With AWS CodePipeline

New Docker & ECS Rolling Deployments Section on AWS CodePipeline Step by Step

I am excited to share our newest section in my Udemy bestseller AWS CodePipeline Step by Step course, Building Docker Images & ECS Rolling Deployments With AWS CodePipeline.

If you’ve not joined yet, for the next five days, you can join this course with a best-price coupon special to the launch of the new section using the link below:

Our newest section focuses on building your Docker images, publishing them to Docker Hub or Amazon ECR with AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild, and deploying them to Amazon ECS as rolling deployments** using the direct integration of CodePipeline with ECS.

We mainly use AWS Fargate for the infrastructure to focus on deployments, as the deployment process is the same regardless of who manages the infrastructure. Only how your infrastructure scales out to launch replacement tasks differs. But, we also have an example with Auto Scaling Group capacity providers in the end.

We will use the same sample Angular application we used in the previous sections but build a new pipeline specific to Docker deployments to make our examples clear.

What is in the new section?

So, the new section covers the following topics step by step in summary:

  • Introduction to Docker & ECS concepts for AWS CodePipeline
  • Preparing AWS CodeBuild buildspecs to build Docker images and pushing them to Docker Hub.
  • Defining environment variables on CodePipeline and CodeBuild to store Docker Hub credentials and other data.
  • Building a pipeline on AWS CodePipeline to build and push your Docker images using AWS CodeCommit and AWS CodeBuild.
  • Using AWS Secrets Manager or AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store with AWS CodeBuild to store your Docker Hub credentials or other data as environment variables.
  • Pushing the Docker images built with your pipeline to Amazon ECR.
  • Creating an ECS task definition for the Docker images built by your pipeline.
  • Creating an Amazon ECS cluster with Fargate and Auto Scaling Group capacity providers for hands-on examples.
  • Creating an Amazon ECS service with rolling deployments on the Fargate capacity provider to work with AWS CodePipeline.
  • Adding an Amazon ECS standard deploy action on AWS CodePipeline to perform rolling deployments on your ECS service.
  • Tagging your Docker images built by your pipeline with Git commit IDs on AWS CodeCommit that created them.
  • Using Amazon ECR Public Gallery to pull official Docker images instead of Docker Hub while building your Docker images with AWS CodeBuild.
  • Understanding why you need the ECS deployment circuit breaker with automated rollbacks, and how it detects deployment failures automatically and rolls failed deployments back.
  • Understanding how min & max running tasks values work in ECS rolling deployments.
  • Understanding what you need to consider while performing ECS rolling deployments on Auto Scaling Group capacity providers instead of AWS Fargate.

This section doesn’t cover ECS Blue/Green deployments with AWS CodeDeploy, which I plan to discuss in detail in another section in AWS CodePipeline Step by Step in the future.

It became 18 lectures with around 3.5 hours of *NEW* content. Besides, English subtitles are provided for all lectures from the start. I hope you find the content helpful in learning to use AWS CodePipeline with Docker & Amazon ECS.

Join AWS CodePipeline Step by Step today!

If you have not joined AWS CodePipeline Step by Step yet, you can do so with a best-price coupon special to the launch of our newest section. But the coupon will last only five days. So, don’t miss this chance if you are interested.

Please use the link below to apply the discount:

By joining this course, you can learn to use AWS CodePipeline with Docker & Amazon ECS, along with our previous content for EC2S3.

So, I hope to see you in AWS CodePipeline Step by Step!

New Docker & ECS Rolling Deployments Section on AWS CodePipeline Step by Step
Emre Yilmaz

AWS Consultant • Instructor • Founder @ Shikisoft
