AWS Step Functions Posts

3 Ways to Schedule AWS Lambda and Step Functions State Machine Executions

Scheduling AWS Lambda and Step Functions Executions

In addition to API development, AWS Lambda has many use cases. One of them is running some background jobs in scheduled intervals. Besides, if you need a chain of sequential or parallel AWS Lambda functions, the ideal way to orchestrate them is using AWS Step Functions.

In this post, I will talk about how to schedule your AWS Lambda functions or Step Functions state machine executions using AWS CloudWatch and EventBridge consoles as well as AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) and CloudFormation templates.

Continue reading the 3 Ways to Schedule AWS Lambda and Step Functions State Machine Executions blog post.

Triggering AWS Step Functions by AWS API Gateway Calls

If you recall, in a previous blog post I discussed AWS Step Functions as a great service for orchestrating your AWS Lambda functions by giving an example. Today, I will show you how you can integrate your API Gateway resource methods with your AWS Step Functions state machines so that you can trigger your state machines with API calls.

Actually the benefits are obvious. Instead of serving our Lambda functions as separate endpoints and orchestrating which one to call and when in our front end; we can use a single endpoint and pass all logic to the back end. Then our back end, in this case our state machine, will execute the functions in sequential or parallel. This method especially suits well to cases when all these function calls are necessary to complete a single business action.

Continue reading the Triggering AWS Step Functions by AWS API Gateway Calls blog post.

Orchestrating AWS Lambda Functions Using AWS Step Functions

Orchestrating AWS Lambda functions with AWS Step Functions

While our serverless applications grow day by day; the need to orchestrate our Lambda functions may become an issue. We might need to execute some functions sequentially and one of our functions might get output of another function as input. Similarly, some functions might require to be executed in parallel. In these cases, AWS Step Functions can help us to coordinate our Lambda executions as components of our distributed applications and microservices.

In this blog post, I will make an introduction to AWS Step functions with a simple case. I will try to show how we can define sequential and parallel executions, as well as intermediary states to transform one state’s output to pass another state as input.

Continue reading the Orchestrating AWS Lambda Functions Using AWS Step Functions blog post.