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How to Make the Most of AWS Global Infrastructure?

Shikisoft Blog - How to benefit from the AWS Global Infrastructure?

If you are interested in AWS, you may have heard many praises for its global infrastructure. But sometimes, it can be confusing to understand the global AWS infrastructure concepts and how to apply them in your own operations. In this post, I will discuss AWS’s global infrastructure and how it may benefit you.

Continue reading the How to Make the Most of AWS Global Infrastructure? blog post.

AWS CDK vs. AWS CloudFormation

AWS CDK vs. AWS CloudFormation

AWS CDK and AWS CloudFormation are powerful infrastructure as code tools to automate the creation of your AWS resources. Both tools can help you achieve operational excellency on AWS by removing manual provisioning methods like AWS Management Console or AWS CLI and eliminating possible human errors caused by only using them.

However, you might be wondering which to choose if you are new to AWS CDK or CloudFormation or just beginning to apply infrastructure as code on AWS. Therefore, in this post, I will discuss the differences and similarities between AWS CloudFormation and AWS CDK to help you understand them.

Continue reading the AWS CDK vs. AWS CloudFormation blog post.

New Section! Building Docker Images & ECS Rolling Deployments With AWS CodePipeline

New Docker & ECS Rolling Deployments Section on AWS CodePipeline Step by Step

I am excited to share our newest section in my Udemy bestseller AWS CodePipeline Step by Step course, Building Docker Images & ECS Rolling Deployments With AWS CodePipeline.

If you’ve not joined yet, for the next five days, you can join this course with a best-price coupon special to the launch of the new section using the link below:

Our newest section focuses on building your Docker images, publishing them to Docker Hub or Amazon ECR with AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild, and deploying them to Amazon ECS as rolling deployments** using the direct integration of CodePipeline with ECS.

Continue reading the New Section! Building Docker Images & ECS Rolling Deployments With AWS CodePipeline blog post.

AWS CloudFormation Stack Policy Conditions: Don't Replace or Delete My DB Instances on Stack Updates

AWS CloudFormation Stack Policy Conditions: Never Replace or Delete My DB Instances on Stack Updates

Stack policies are among the most helpful features of AWS CloudFormation for protecting your stacks from unintended updates. Let’s say that you have an Amazon RDS instance that you manage with AWS CloudFormation. After a while, you change one of its attributes and update your stack. Guess what! The update you considered innocent was not so after all. It replaces your database instance with all the data inside. It’s a nightmare, isn’t it? So, you wish there were a CloudFormation feature preventing this from happening.

Luckily, CloudFormation has stack policies to help you in situations like this. In this post, I will talk about stack policies and how to use them as a supplementary protection mechanism in your stack updates.

Continue reading the AWS CloudFormation Stack Policy Conditions: Don't Replace or Delete My DB Instances on Stack Updates blog post.