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3 Ways for Environment Variables in AWS CodeBuild Buildspecs

Defining Environment Variables in CodeBuild Buildspec Files

AWS CodeBuild is the serverless build service of AWS, and until now, I covered various ways of using it in my previous posts. Today, I would like to talk about how to define and use environment variables in your build specification files or, in other words, buildspecs. In a build project, you can assign plain texts to your environment variables, read parameters from AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store, or retrieve secrets from AWS Secrets Manager. I will give examples to each.

Besides, you can also use AWS CodeBuild with AWS CodePipeline as a part of a CI/CD pipeline. We discuss how to do this in my AWS CodePipeline Step by Step course. Therefore, I will also give an example of exporting an environment variable from a build to be able to use it in a later pipeline action.

Continue reading the 3 Ways for Environment Variables in AWS CodeBuild Buildspecs blog post.

Deploying to Amazon EFS With AWS CodeBuild & AWS CodePipeline

Automated Deployments to Amazon EFS with AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild.

You can use Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) as a shared file system between your Amazon EC2 instances to benefit from its scalability and durability. You can simply deploy your files to an Amazon EFS file system and mount it on dozens of Amazon EC2 instances in the same VPC. Then, you only need to deploy to your EFS file system when you have an update.

Now, what about automating your deployments to Amazon EFS? AWS CodePipeline does not have a deploy action integrated with Amazon EFS file systems. However, your AWS CodeBuild containers can mount EFS file systems. So you can copy your files and folders directly to your EFS file system after building them. In this post, I will talk about creating CI/CD pipelines using AWS CodePipeline and CodeBuild to build and automate your content to Amazon EFS file systems.

Continue reading the Deploying to Amazon EFS With AWS CodeBuild & AWS CodePipeline blog post.

Setting Object Cache Durations for Your Amazon CloudFront Distributions

Cache expiry on Amazon CloudFront

Using Amazon CloudFront is crucial for the speed of your website. Because when you use CloudFront, it caches your content at AWS Edge locations to serve them to your users faster. For example, this blog’s original AWS region is Europe Frankfurt (eu-central-1) that is the closest region to my location. If I did not place Amazon CloudFront in front of my S3 bucket, all requests to this blog will be served from Frankfurt. As you would guess, this would cause slower pages for most of my readers all around the World.

Luckily, I have an Amazon CloudFront distribution in front of my blog. So, only the first reader close to an AWS Edge location will be served from this region. All subsequent requests around that Edge location will be served directly from the Edge location’s cache.

However, you will also need to update your website content. So, from time to time, CloudFront needs to expire your content on the Edge location’s cache, and check whether it was updated from the original location. In this blog post, I will talk about how to set caching times for the objects you serve from your CloudFront distributions.

Continue reading the Setting Object Cache Durations for Your Amazon CloudFront Distributions blog post.

Announcing My AWS CodePipeline Step by Step Course

AWS CodePipeline Step by Step

AWS CodePipeline is the AWS service to build and orchestrate your CI/CD workflows on AWS. Using CodePipeline with other AWS developer tools, you can model, visualize, and automate your software release process without maintaining any build or deploy servers.

Today, I am excited to announce the launch of my new course AWS CodePipeline Step by Step on Udemy! In this post, I will talk about what you will learn in this course section by section. Besides, I will also share a discount coupon special to launch in the end.

Continue reading the Announcing My AWS CodePipeline Step by Step Course blog post.

AWS CodePipeline for Your Static Websites & Frontend Apps: A Complete CI/CD Approach

CD Pipeline for Static Websites and Front End Apps on S3 with AWS CodePipeline

Whether you have a static website like this blog or a front-end application developed using a framework like Angular, React, or Vue.js, you can follow similar steps to create a continuous deployment pipeline on AWS using AWS CodePipeline. In this post, I will share the AWS services you can use while creating this type of pipelines to achieve fast and frequent deployments.

Continue reading the AWS CodePipeline for Your Static Websites & Frontend Apps: A Complete CI/CD Approach blog post.