3 Ways for Environment Variables in AWS CodeBuild Buildspecs
- by Emre Yilmaz
- Jan 7, 2021
- AWS • DevOps • AWS CodeBuild • AWS Systems Manager • AWS Secrets Manager

AWS CodeBuild is the serverless build service of AWS, and until now, I covered various ways of using it in my previous posts. Today, I would like to talk about how to define and use environment variables in your build specification files or, in other words, buildspecs. In a build project, you can assign plain texts to your environment variables, read parameters from AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store, or retrieve secrets from AWS Secrets Manager. I will give examples to each.
Besides, you can also use AWS CodeBuild with AWS CodePipeline as a part of a CI/CD pipeline. We discuss how to do this in my AWS CodePipeline Step by Step course. Therefore, I will also give an example of exporting an environment variable from a build to be able to use it in a later pipeline action.
Continue reading the 3 Ways for Environment Variables in AWS CodeBuild Buildspecs blog post.