Amazon CloudFront Posts

How to Make the Most of AWS Global Infrastructure?

Shikisoft Blog - How to benefit from the AWS Global Infrastructure?

If you are interested in AWS, you may have heard many praises for its global infrastructure. But sometimes, it can be confusing to understand the global AWS infrastructure concepts and how to apply them in your own operations. In this post, I will discuss AWS’s global infrastructure and how it may benefit you.

Continue reading the How to Make the Most of AWS Global Infrastructure? blog post.

Setting Object Cache Durations for Your Amazon CloudFront Distributions

Cache expiry on Amazon CloudFront

Using Amazon CloudFront is crucial for the speed of your website. Because when you use CloudFront, it caches your content at AWS Edge locations to serve them to your users faster. For example, this blog’s original AWS region is Europe Frankfurt (eu-central-1) that is the closest region to my location. If I did not place Amazon CloudFront in front of my S3 bucket, all requests to this blog will be served from Frankfurt. As you would guess, this would cause slower pages for most of my readers all around the World.

Luckily, I have an Amazon CloudFront distribution in front of my blog. So, only the first reader close to an AWS Edge location will be served from this region. All subsequent requests around that Edge location will be served directly from the Edge location’s cache.

However, you will also need to update your website content. So, from time to time, CloudFront needs to expire your content on the Edge location’s cache, and check whether it was updated from the original location. In this blog post, I will talk about how to set caching times for the objects you serve from your CloudFront distributions.

Continue reading the Setting Object Cache Durations for Your Amazon CloudFront Distributions blog post.

Invalidating Your Amazon CloudFront Distribution Paths via AWS CLI

Invalidating CloudFront Distributions Using AWS CLI

When you make changes on your content distributed via your Amazon CloudFront distribution, you have two options for them to be visible if they are cached: You will either wait for the cache to expire or you will invalidate them to serve the changes immediately. Of course, you cannot do anything about the cached content on your users’ browsers. But in your side, everything is under your control on AWS.

In this post, I will talk about how to invalidate some paths on your Amazon CloudFront distributions using AWS CLI along with some other commands that may be helpful in the process.

Continue reading the Invalidating Your Amazon CloudFront Distribution Paths via AWS CLI blog post.

Serving Dynamic Websites with Amazon CloudFront

CloudFront Dynamic Web Distribution Sample Architecture

The most popular usage of Amazon CloudFront is to distribute static content such as images, videos or other objects existing in an Amazon S3 bucket. However, you can also use Amazon CloudFront to distribute your dynamic content such as a Ruby on Rails or PHP web application and benefit from the advantages of utilizing the globally distributed network infrastructure of AWS. In this blog post, I will talk about the advantages and the necessary configuration options for creating an Amazon CloudFront distribution for a dynamic web application.

Continue reading the Serving Dynamic Websites with Amazon CloudFront blog post.

Restricting Amazon S3 Bucket Access on CloudFront Distributions

When you decide to distribute your content stored in your Amazon S3 bucket with Amazon CloudFront, you most probably would like to avoid your users bypassing CloudFront and accessing them directly from Amazon S3.

In this blog post, I will demonstrate how you can utilize Origin Access Identities to restrict access to your S3 bucket on your Amazon CloudFront distributions.

Continue reading the Restricting Amazon S3 Bucket Access on CloudFront Distributions blog post.