AWS CloudFormation Posts - Page 2

Live! AWS CloudFormation Step by Step: Intermediate to Advanced

AWS CloudFormation Step by Step: Intermediate to Advanced

Today, I am excited to announce my third course on Udemy, the long waited advanced-level AWS CloudFormation course, AWS CloudFormation Step by Step: Intermediate to Advanced!

This course continues from my first course, AWS CloudFormation Step by Step: Beginner to Intermediate, and teaches you more advanced features of AWS CloudFormation. If you already finished my beginner-level AWS CloudFormation course, you know that I announced the advanced course there from day 1. Now, it is finally here!

In this post, let’s talk about what you will learn in the Intermediate to Advanced course section by section. Besides, as in my previous courses, I will also share a discount coupon special to launch in the end.

Continue reading the Live! AWS CloudFormation Step by Step: Intermediate to Advanced blog post.

Coming in June! AWS CloudFormation Step by Step: Intermediate to Advanced

Coming in June! AWS CloudFormation Step by Step: Intermediate to Advanced

I almost finished my AWS CloudFormation Step by Step: Intermediate to Advanced course and expect it to launch by mid-June 2021. It will be a detailed course with lots of hands-on examples. So, let’s go over its upcoming content and let me share the topics included in it.

Continue reading the Coming in June! AWS CloudFormation Step by Step: Intermediate to Advanced blog post.

Announcing My AWS CodePipeline Step by Step Course

AWS CodePipeline Step by Step

AWS CodePipeline is the AWS service to build and orchestrate your CI/CD workflows on AWS. Using CodePipeline with other AWS developer tools, you can model, visualize, and automate your software release process without maintaining any build or deploy servers.

Today, I am excited to announce the launch of my new course AWS CodePipeline Step by Step on Udemy! In this post, I will talk about what you will learn in this course section by section. Besides, I will also share a discount coupon special to launch in the end.

Continue reading the Announcing My AWS CodePipeline Step by Step Course blog post.

3 Ways to Schedule AWS Lambda and Step Functions State Machine Executions

Scheduling AWS Lambda and Step Functions Executions

In addition to API development, AWS Lambda has many use cases. One of them is running some background jobs in scheduled intervals. Besides, if you need a chain of sequential or parallel AWS Lambda functions, the ideal way to orchestrate them is using AWS Step Functions.

In this post, I will talk about how to schedule your AWS Lambda functions or Step Functions state machine executions using AWS CloudWatch and EventBridge consoles as well as AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) and CloudFormation templates.

Continue reading the 3 Ways to Schedule AWS Lambda and Step Functions State Machine Executions blog post.

AWS::NoValue on CloudFormation: Conditional Property Configuration

Defining Resource Properties Conditionally Using AWS::NoValue on CloudFormation

AWS CloudFormation provides a handful of pseudo parameters which you can use along with your template conditions and parameters to increase the reusability of your templates. One of them is the AWS::NoValue parameter which acts as the null value in programming languages.

In this post, I will talk about some examples of its use cases.

Continue reading the AWS::NoValue on CloudFormation: Conditional Property Configuration blog post.